Anxiety-busting package

Do you experience panic attacks? Those very upsetting episodes of panic and intense fear-like symptoms that just come out of the blue? Are anxiety and panic attacks ruining your life? Do you just want to live in peace, without worrying all the time about the next episode of anxiety and panic?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, consider contacting me on 0417 379 684 or by email to arrange your free no obligation telephone conversation. We can talk about the all-inclusive anxiety-busting package that I offer.

Your personalised one-on-one course guaranteed to eliminate anxiety

Call me to discuss this all-inclusive package. It comprises a minimum of five face-to-face sessions. I say a minimum because if additional sessions are needed, you pay no more . Any additional sessions are included in the price. My face-to-face sessions are supplemented by fully personalised:

  • hypnosis audios;
  • articles to explain the neurobiology of your anxiety response;
  • exercises to reinforce what we do in each session;
  • between-session phone calls.

This anxiety-busting program comes with state of the art resources to give you back your life. A life where once again, you can

  • drive on freeways;
  • go to parties and social gatherings with people you don’t know;
  • go to the cinema, concerts, out to dinner – anywhere;
  • speak at meetings at work, at your child’s school.

You can go anywhere.

Imagine your life when you no longer have to drag along that huge set of anxiety and panic symptoms. Currently,  I know that you decide where you’ll go after you’ve made up your mind about how comfortable you might feel.  That ‘might go’ is based on two things.

  1. how you felt last time in a similar situation.
  2. how you predict you’ll feel this time around.

If you felt uncomfortable and panicky and weak at the knees, why wouldn’t you stay home?  Some of my clients explain their avoidance behaviours in that way.  It does make sense but each and every time you avoid a situation because it makes your adrenaline surge, you strengthen that inappropriate adrenaline rush.  I won’t go into that here but that’s part of the neurobiology of what we call panic and anxiety.

A lot of your current decisions are based on how quickly or otherwise you can escape from a particular setting. You won’t readily go anywhere you feel ‘trapped’. Those situations may include the following:

  • air travel. It’s not the fear of a plane crash that keeps you Earth-bound. It’s the whole ritual around being strapped in to the seat with the sense that there’s NO ESCAPE.
  • freeway driving or travel. Again, it’s not the fear of the speed of the cars or the worry about getting lost. It’s that trapped feeling that comes when you know there’s no way off the freeway for a long distance, or there’s no place to stop. There’s NO ESCAPE.

  Then there’s the possibility of a traffic jam. Now that’s a real trap from which there’s NO ESCAPE.

  • travel by suburban public transport. It’s not the fact that the suburban train is dirty, too cold/hot, it’s that once you’re on it, if the train stops between stations, there’s NO ESCAPE.
  • sitting in the chair at the dentist or the hairdresser. That’s right. We may relate to feeling a bit tense about the Dentist but for many people it’s just as difficult at the hairdresser. Once we’re in that chair, we feel that there’s NO ESCAPE.

Let’s send your anxiety packing. Once and for all

Over many years I’ve worked with hundreds of people who have different levels and types of what we call anxiety. Some had all but given up. They’d been to other counsellors, psychologists and psychotherapists but remained trapped in their anxiety cycle. For reasons that escape me, they then blame themselves not the therapists for the fact that they’re still being imprisoned by anxiety.

Money back guarantee

That’s right. If you’re not 90% better after our 5 sessions supplemented by your work between sessions, I’ll give you your money back. When I mention ‘work between session’ let me explain.

One of the reasons I’ve decided to offer my therapy in this package form is that when you sign up and pay for your treatment in advance, you’re much more focused.  You’re making a substantial financial commitment to your future health, peace and happiness.

You’ll be less likely to come to a session with the myriad excuses for not doing your between-session course work. The “I’ve been so busy” excuse is easy to say when you’re not really, truly serious about getting this monkey off your shoulder. You go to a therapist and read a little but you don’t invest much effort. My course requires YOUR commitment, YOUR focus,YOUR effort as well as my input. No money back if you haven’t worked along the way. I want to work with people who are genuine in their desire to reclaim their freedom. Their freedom from the symptoms of terror-like symptoms that are part of an episode of anxiety and panic.

Save 20% on the cost of eliminating anxiety

Call me on 0417 379 684 for more information and to make your appointments.

Then sign up for the course with PayPal. My counselling and psychotherapy sessions are $110AU per hour or $140 for 90 minutes. On average, it takes between five and seven sessions to eliminate completely those inappropriate adrenaline rushes from your life. Rather than pay that full session cost, I’ve made the anxiety busting package $450, regardless of whether it takes us more than five sessions to eliminate your anxiety and panic.

If it takes fewer sessions, of course there’s a refund!

In the very unlikely event that after five sessions plus between-session back-up, you’re not walking freely through the world, we’ll continue until you are – FOR NO EXTRA COST.

How your panic attacks started.

Although troubling and disruptive to your life, I view the majority of anxiety problems as a neurobiological issue rather than a psychological disorder. You have developed what I call the ‘habit of fear’. You’ve learned through experience to respond with fear-like symptoms to certain situations and places. Those situations can vary. Sometimes your intense reaction is triggered by a phobia you developed about heights, water or animals – snakes, spiders and dogs being the most common animals we fear.

For other people, being in a crowded elevator (lift), caught in a traffic jam, or having to sit in the middle of the row in the middle of the cinema – they’re the things that triggered your initial brain-based reaction.  Many people talk about the fact that their first feeling of intense panicky symptoms came out of the blue.  Sometimes, when we talk more, they’ve had milder feelings of unease for a lot of their lives.  Other times, calmer than a cucumber until that day on the train; that time in the traffic jam; that talk at a staff meeting.

That surge of adrenaline is a neurological reaction.  Your brain, or more particularly your amygdala, gets the wrong message.  It gets the message that you’re in danger so it gives you a dose of adrenaline to get you out of there.  Out of danger.  We’ll go into all this as part of the package but the intense and upsetting fear-like symptoms are deceptive brain messages.  You do not have to feel like you’re facing a firing squad because you travel by train, use an elevator, sit at a concert.  The bottom line from all of those triggers is this.  Once your brain, or your amygdala registers that signal in that situation, it memorises it and guess what?  Next time you’re in that situation, without so much as a nano second’s effort, you’re reacting in the same way.  That intense reaction is because your mind has sent a signal to your body. The signal, the inaccurate signal, is:

anxiety and panic attacks

Naturally, when your body gets the message that you’re in danger it reacts splendidly and very quickly. It spurts adrenaline into your system so that you’ll be able to get out of that danger, or you’ll be able to fight it off. Only trouble is: well, there are THREE interrelated troubles here.

  1. You’re not in real danger. Your brain  (your amygdala) within your brain has sent the wrong signal.
  2. The message of threat and danger from the amygdala causes an immediate release of Adrenaline. It’s that adrenaline that causes your heart to race, your muscles to tense, your tummy to churn. You feel all the same symptoms you’d feel if you were terrified enough to act to get out of danger. That’s the correct and brilliant reaction to get you away from the grizzly bear or any real danger. It’s the completely incorrect reaction when all that’s happening is that you have to use an elevator, drive on a freeway, talk at a meeting.
  3. I’ll explain that as part of the package but from a neurobiological perspective, you’re not having an episode of panic. You’re not experiencing anxiety. You’re having an inappropriate adrenaline rush. If you experience more than a couple of those without explanations and interventions, you develop the habit of fear-like reactions we call anxiety.

Panic attacks on a freeway

You know this story or a version of it. Once you felt afraid and panicky when the traffic slowed down and stopped on the freeway you take home from work. You’ve never worked out why you felt like that. Next time the traffic looked like banking up into a traffic jam, you felt that same stab of inexplicable fear-like symptoms (caused by adrenaline spurting through your body). Soon, you were driving along hoping that there wouldn’t be a traffic jam. Just thinking that there MIGHT be a traffic jam was enough to cause you to feel that intense fear.

Soon you just gave up using the freeway.

I’ve helped hundreds of people to see that cycle of fear and to re-write the script to their fear or fears. By ‘script’ I mean the set of reactions that happen as if someone had written a set of instructions for you to follow. Someone has written that set of instructions.

Your brain has.

You and I can work together to rewrite it so that your reaction to the freeway, the crowded lift, the unsupervised dog in the park, the idea of being alone – all those things and more – your reaction will be different. It will be appropriate.

Call me now on +61 417 379 684 or email me on to discuss whether or not we can work together to make your life a happier one.

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