Emotional Freedom Techniques and Weight loss

by admin on January 19, 2014

Emotional eating sabotages most weight loss attempts

OK, so you don’t want to look like a skinny super model. You do want to lose anything from 3kgs (6.6lbs) to whatever will bring your weight back to where you know you’ll be healthier.

There are people who need to lose weight because – OMG how did it happen – they’re over fifty and they have definite signs of osteoarthritis. Weight loss won’t eliminate that sign of ageing but let’s face it, if you have arthritis in your knees or hips, the last thing you need is to be carrying around any extra weight.

Toxic waist

I’m not keen to talk about ideal weight for height or even about Body Mass Index. One metric that I think is very important is height to waist measurement. If your waist measurement is more than twice your height, you’re a prime candidate for diabetes and many other illnesses, including cancer.

The other you – the emotional eater you

So many of us are at least two different people. The one that will sabotage any effort you make to manage your weight in an ongoing way is that dreadful person you hardly know: the silly one who munches those potato chips and then follows the sodium-soaked, fat saturated chips with something highly nutritious like a bar of chocolate. You know you don’t want to do that.  You manage every other aspect of your life.  You’ve just spent the whole of last year on a regimen where you lost 10kgs and looked and felt fabulous and look at you now! You stood on the scale a fortnight ago, noticed that you’d stacked on a couple of kilos and then you rationalised that by referring to Christmas or summer or a party or…

You’re again, for the umpteenth time, back on the road to being overweight.

The real reason you LOVE chocolate

It soothes you. In a stressful world, it gives you pleasure. It’s what you received as a treat from your grandmother when you visited or from your parents when you were ‘good’. There’s an emotional charge to chocolate that no amount of spinach or broccoli can generate. It’s about emotions. Deep-seated feelings and connections you know nothing about when you open that packet of Toblerone or any chocolate.

That’s where Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) comes in. Through EFT your therapist can help you to identify your emotional eating patterns. It may not be about sweet things. If it is, chocolate may not be your downfall.  Through EFT you can identify why you do what you do to sabotage your maintenance of a healthy weight. When I say ‘your sabotage’ of course I don’t mean that you deliberately set out to undermine your healthy eating and your health. But that’s what you’re doing. Sometimes the emotional trigger is about happiness and sometimes it’s a deep-seated memory of trauma.  In both instances, if you don’t recognise what you’re doing subconsciously, you’ll keep on doing it.

One great thing about EFT.  It can’t do you any harm and I have seen it do splendid things for people who had given up the idea that they could be a healthy weight in the long-term.


Hypnosis help

by admin on June 11, 2013

Hypnosis is a powerful way to bypass your active always-alert mind to reach your subconscious mind where real and lasting change takes place.

I use a form of hypnosis called Ericksonian Hypnosis based on the principles taught by Milton Erickson and now taught by one of his students, Dr Rob McNeilly MD.

Hypnosis Downloads

On this page, you can download hypnosis help that has been designed by other therapists who use hypnosis exclusively. I offer these options because not everyone can make the time to come to see me, or indeed any hypnotherapist. Also, some of my face-to-face clients use the audios to complement the work we do together.


Is anxiety genetic?

April 27, 2013

Many of my counselling clients who come to me for anxiety treatment, ask if anxiety is genetic.  That line of questioning usually leads to stories about many relatives who have all kinds of anxiety.  

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Anxiety in children and adolescents

April 27, 2013

Anxiety in childhood is obvious when children and adolescents worry to a greater extent than their peers about school performance, sporting prowess, their appearance and their popularity. 

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Public speaking anxiety

October 18, 2012

If you don’t feel calm, pretend you do That’s right. If you can’t feel genuinely cool, calm and confident yet, fake it.  Act as if you’re calm and confident.

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The Difference between Social Anxiety and Shyness

October 18, 2012

Social anxiety To quote from Dr David Carbonell’s website AnxietyCoach.com social phobia “means that you tend to panic in social and performance situations because you fear a public humiliation, rejection, and/or disgrace. A person with social phobia might fear such activities as:

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Definitions and Functions of Fear

October 18, 2012

Fear is one of our normal emotional responses to situations in life.  It’s a reaction to a real and present signal telling us that we could be in danger of attack from the big bear we suddenly see on our nature stroll, or we might be in danger of attack from the burglar who has […]

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Agoraphobia: What is Fear of the Marketplace?

October 18, 2012

Definition of agoraphobia The term agoraphobia is made up of two Greek words fovos (fear) and agora (marketplace). People who have any level of agoraphobia tend to feel anxious and fearful in situations like the marketplace – crowded places such as the Mall, or a football game, a concert, the movies, or even queuing up […]

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Panic Attacks: One Sure Way to Eliminate them

October 18, 2012

In this article I offer you a beautifully simple insight into your panic attacks that will change your reaction to them. It’s only by changing your reaction to your panic attacks that you’ll ever be free of them. The insight is this: “Accept your panic symptoms and ….they’ll go. Fight them, tense up against them, […]

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Shy People are a Blessing

October 18, 2012

To me, a person who is shy always comes across as having a charm that is singularly missing in many people.  Instead of that often brash over-confident person who just looooves the sound of her or his own voice, the shy person seems to live and breathe more softly.  They’re the ones who listen more attentively.  […]

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