
  • Do you have a phobia, an intense fear, of spiders, being alone, crowds, dogs, enclosed spaces… anything?
  • Are you a bit nervous or downright terrified about speaking in public, even to a small group of work colleagues?
  • Do you find yourself worrying obsessively and feeling compelled to do things to reduce that worry?
  • Maybe it’s your daughter or son who has anxiety. Is your child more than just a little apprehensive about taking on new challenges at school? Is s/he refusing to go to school, or when they go, you know that they’re very unhappy?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, please call me now on 0417 379 684 for your first FREE 15 MINUTE consultation by phone.  Normal sessions are 50 minutes long.  I offer sessions outside normal business hours.

Fee concessions and deferral of fees (put them on the tab)

I’m not as wealthy as the government or the banks but I can and will offer a fee reduction to you if you’re a full time student or on a low income. If you can’t afford those reduced fees, we can talk about deferring your payment to a time when you’ll be able to do that. Either that or you can do what some of my clients do already – you can pay at a weekly rate that suits your budget.

Money back Guarantee

Regrettably, there are no trusted and agreed ways that measure the outcomes from individual therapy. For you, there’s no list of therapists who get consistently good results. Nor is there a list of therapists who have below par results. I’ve monitored my work and my outcomes over years. Based on my data I know that what I offer is a state of the art combination of the best, proven, therapies to let you escape from your habits of fear so that you can be happier and more at ease. That’s your birthright. Being happy is also your first duty to your self.

If after five sessions with me, you’re not at least 90% happy with your progress, I’ll give you back the money you’ve paid. Everyone takes a different path out of anxiety, but five sessions is a good point at which you can judge your progress. If you’re not happy, you get your money back.

So call me. You have nothing to lose and freedom from those uncomfortable feelings to gain.

Proudly LGBTQI-friendly practice

In years to come, it won’t be necessary to make that point. LGBTQI people have problems with anxiety in all its forms.  They sometimes have added concerns around their sexual identity in a world that is still, if not overtly homophobic, then heterosexist.  Regardless of our sexuality not many people escape relationship issues and problems with addictions to – all sorts of things from food to work with some legal and illicit drugs thrown in.

With ZOOM.us or the phone we’re only a device away

This used to be reserved for people who lived in regional areas, interstate or overseas. Then in response to covid-19 became a preferred option.  People found that via my online video consultations, they received the help they needed.

ZOOM sessions have always been essential for people who live interstate or in rural Victoria.  Quite often, you’re looking for someone who specialises in your particular problem and you can’t find that help locally.  In the 21st century, we can consult online.

Some of my clients seeking anxiety treatment have such high levels of agoraphobia and other phobic anxieties that they can’t leave home to get that help.  Again, telephone and online sessions are ideal. Until they recover.

Anxiety Treatment, Yarraville

If you experience anxiety and/or panic attacks, I can help you to change the brain-based patterns that cause that automatic fear-like reaction.  Many clients require six to ten sessions of anxiety treatment to overcome panic attacks, phobias and other anxiety issues.  Some people only need two or three sessions.  It’s all about how committed you are to changing your thinking, feelings and your behaviour.

If you worry constantly and feel compelled to do things – checking that you have turned off that iron, locked the door, washed your hands – you may have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).  Alternatively, you may just be a person who is slightly over-anxious.  Either way, I can help.

Relationship counselling for couples, families and friends

I specialise in helping you to find your solutions to more harmonious relationships, including family therapy. We’re all so good at creating conflict, little niggling triggers that are so annoying that we’re in another bit of bickering before we know it. Great at creating the conflict but not skilled or experienced in the communication skills needed to resolve it. Based on years of experience in conflict resolution, I can help you to find the solution to your problem. When I can’t, I refer you to one of my specialist colleagues.

Why I offer your first 15 minute phone consultation free.

In that short no-obligation first consultation, I can gain a better understanding of what problems or challenges you’d like to resolve. We can then discuss how we’ll work together to find the solutions to those problems. If your issues are outside my skill-set, I can refer you to others. If you have a Mental Health Care Plan from your doctor, you’ll need to seek out a Registered Psychologist rather than me because the cost of my services are not covered by the Medicare fee rebate you’ll get via a Psychologist. That’s partly related to the fact that counselling and counsellors are not yet viewed by government as a genuine, cohesive profession with agreed entry criteria, minimum standards of four years’ training – either as a stand-alone course or a one year diploma following an undergraduate degree course.

While the sector remains unregulated, anyone can claim to be a counsellor.

Thanks for reading. Here’s some relaxing music you can download

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